Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Dreadmill (& money talk)

Due to the ice & (slowly thawing) snow running today was not as per the training plan (Hal Higdon's Novice 1).  Running to the gym as i had thought was not an option - unless I fancied breaking my ankle & having to cancel the whole thing - NOT an option!! So to the gym i went, running late as seems to be more often than not these days (note to self, turn laptop off earlier), and header for the treadmill dreadmill for a short run before Body Balance. I really can't manage running on the treadmill and there are many reasons that to me it is most certainly a "Dreadmill".

  1. Its so boring.  There's no nature to look out for, not traffic to dodge (not always a good thing, but it keeps you on your toes!), no people to pass, dogs to be chased by etc etc
  2. Its too easy to quit.  The reason i got dropped 13 miles from home last saturday was because that was i knew i had to get home.  In the gym its so easy to hit the stop button, or change the goal and reduce the distance.  That was today's way out.  My initial goal was 3 miles, and then i cut it down to 2, looked at the time i had left to go, increased the pace which then meant it was over even faster still. Which i guess leads me onto point 3...
  3. I'm more likely to overdo it and injure myself. Like i said in point 2 i have a tendency to speed up to get it over with, which means i push my legs and my heart harder than they possibly should be working.  I have little non sprinter legs which don't really like to run an 8 min/mile pace however my finger often hovers over that button & makes them work that hard.  A bit of speed work should help things in the long term though hopefully.
  4. I can hear my ipod. I have to run to a beat.  Its why i love the Les Mills classes so much, as they are choreographed. When i'm in the gym they have their own music going which over powers my ipod becuase i have my ipod set to a maximum that shouldn't ruin my ears.  The gym music is great but not always a fast enough beat for my running speed.

Anyway enough about the treadmill for now.  I am booking into a few extra classes to keep building back up the fitness i lost over Christmas with the flu, as it looks like my long run of 10 miles will have to be rethought.  The treadmills are set to run for a maximum of an hour and to complete my 10 miles it would need to be a 6 min/mile.....Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! At that kind of pace i'd be finishing the marathon in under 3 hours.  Are you seeing how ridiculous this idea is yet?

The snow & ice is still here & we are forecast more for friday and saturday.  So for 10 miles i would be looking at around 1 hour and 40 minutes.  Mum suggested sitting by the treadmill nagging me so i keep going, but that would be a very boring hour for her! I did think of another option - go to snow where that is snow & ice free.  Brighton maybe? Wait and see what the weather does i think. I don't really want to be driving in snow either.

So onto the money talk.  I have a few details about where your generously donated more will go (What's that? you haven't sponsored me yet? You're not sure how or where?  click on this link, it will take you to the right page

  • £10 will pay for the hire of a pony for 1 session (there are 2 sessions per week)
  • £20 will buy Riot a new set of shoes (he goes through 6 sets a year - he works very hard!)
Riot, the superstar
  • £32 will fund worming treatment for Riot (he need 6 of these a year too)
  • £100 will pay for transport so we can take ponies to the annual Sports Day run by The Presidents Sporting Club/Essex Disabled Sports Foundation, where around 100 children get a chance to have a short ride, many of whom have never been on a horse before!
  • £200 will pay for the hire of the facilities for a term. We have the use of both and indoor school & outdoor school which means we can ride even if its raining!

Stay warm people! And stay safe runners!

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